
Preparing to pedal back to the office

With many Victorians heading back to the office at the start of 2022 after an extended stint at the home office, now is the perfect time to rethink your commute and create a new healthy habit for the new year. 

Whether bike riding is a lockdown passion or lifetime pursuit, there will undoubtedly be a period of adjustment in 2022 as everyone starts to head back to the office, so we've sought some commuting advice from a couple of prolific peddlers at Bicycle Network.

Adjusting your routine

If you've been pedalling hard through the pandemic, perhaps training for an upcoming event, you may be in a habit of lunch time laps around the neighbourhood... which won't be possible once your back at the office.

Peaks Challenge Falls Creek veteran wave leader Richard "Crossy" Cross has provided the following tips for those looking for a smooth transition out of WFH. 
  • State your intention. Whether your training for a PB or just trying to get fit, writing down your goals is a great way to stay on track and can give you that extra motivation while your body adjusts to a new routine.
  • Plan and track your kilometres. If your training is now incorporated into your commute to work, hitting the same kilometres may not be as simple, so make sure you plan your route and keep track of your progress if you want to see improvement. 
  • Preparation is key. Prepare all of your gear, nutrition and hydration the night before if you're heading off early, or pack a bag for an after-work workout.
  • Don't be too hard on yourself. You might see a slight dip in your training output as you adjust to leaving the home office and commuting to and from work. But getting into the habit of ticking off your exercise and commute in one will be beneficial in the long run, even if it takes a while to get into the swing of things.

Creating a new habit

If riding is not part of your regular routine but is on your New Year resolution list, serial commuter and General Manager of Behaviour Change at Biycle Network Leyla Asadi has a few tips to help you kickstart a new healthy habit in 2022.
  • Ride part way. You don't have to dive in to the deep end straight away. You can always ride part way and park your bike securely at a Parkiteer cage then jump on the train the rest of the way to work.
  • Prepare the night before (avoid excuses). The best way to avoid opportunities to make excuses is to be prepared. If you've packed your bag the night before, there's no excuse to chicken out in the morning.
  • Have a plan B and C. Creating a new habit can be hard, and everything will not always go to plan. Have a plan B and C up your sleeve (whether that means having a spare rain coat at the office or leaving your bike at work overnight) so that you're not completely derailed by one off day.
  • Make a motivating commitment. Often the best way to break in a new habit is to have a goal or commitment to work towards. This could be a personal fitness goal, an upcoming event commitment or just a riding buddy so you can keep each other accountable.

Pledge to pedal to a better normal 

Bike riding boomed during lockdown, and it is important to continue that momentum as our cities open up (with the virus still lingering). If everyone jumps back in their car to avoid public transport crowds, our roads will become even more congested, the air more polluted and importantly our health won't benefit from sedentary transport.

Make your pledge to pedal to a better normal in 2022 by swapping the car, train, tram or bus for a bike. This way you can get your recommended daily exercise while saving time and money, and help create a healthier community for everyone to enjoy.


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