
helmet law change
Minor helmet rule change

Riders who for medical reasons are unable to wear a helmet now have a new process to follow to obtain an official exemption to the rule.

They will now apply directly to their doctor rather than to VicRoads.

If, under exceptional circumstance, a registered medical practitioner believes that because of a disability or medical condition, a person is unable to wear a bicycle helmet, then an exemption certificate may be issued.

A registered medical practitioner, with full knowledge of their patient’s history, will issue the medical certificate to a patient exempting them from the requirement to wear a bicycle helmet.

The medical certificate must be carried by the person to whom it applies while riding on, or being taken as a passenger on, a bicycle.

The certificate must be produced by the person when requested to do so by a police officer or authorised person.

Existing permits remain until their expiry date. New requests will be required to follow the process via a registered medical practitioner.

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